Ok, sure it's hot as Hades out there... but try telling magazine editors that.
If you look at the newsstands today, people, summer is official over. It's fall. And those big fat juicy fall fashion issues are on-stands now. And on that note, yes, full disclosure, I work for the company that owns LouLou magazine (www.louloumagazine.com) - but people, I'm telling you, go out and get the fall issue. I sorta lost touch with LouLou in the last year or so... to be honest, I didn't much care for it but it now has a new editor and a fresh new feel with a distinctively Canadian and affordable vibe. I'm officially inspired. If you see me walking around in 35 degree heat in grey, black, sweaters and boots, you can blame LouLou.
And as I was flipping through the issue I saw the world's cutest fall blouse, at a very reasonable $39.99....from...wait for it...huh? Sears???
And so as I was scouring the web for a picture of said Sears blouse to share with you all (and as you see I've found it), lo and behold do I find that fashion bloggers have been blogging about Sears new fall line-up and how they stole the show at Toronto fashion week.
The world has officially gone mad. And now you know too.
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