Ok world's worst blogging-title. Clearly I'm a little rusty.
It's not coincidental that I stopped blogging when I started working (outside the home, that is) at the beginning of this year.
It's also not coincidental that I stopped blogging when Archer stopped sleeping through the night which not coincidentally stopped happening when we went on our lovely but 7-hour time hour difference trip to Hawaii.
Fyi, no amount of Mai Tais and palm trees and beautiful weather make up for your baby not sleeping through the night.
No amount.
But now it's been 6-months (or so), I'm pretty much done with gently sobbing every time I leave the house on my way to work without my little man (pretty much), we've done a little Sleep Doula-ing so we're all sleeping better, and I feel like now I'm embarking on a new phase of Downtown Mamahood (oh yeah, that's totally a word) and all sorts of new adventures and challenges have come up that I'd love to share as well as learn from you.
Like, how do you move up that corporate ladder while trying to be a good mom (and dad... you dudes are definitely not off the hook here)? What stuff is there to do in the city for you and your little one that doesn't necessarily involve super annoying music or treating you parent like you're a baby too? How do you (or actually do you at all) keep your house from looking like a daycare (check out the pic - I'm clearly failing in this department)? How do you like not order out food every night?
How do you stay up past 9pm??
No, seriously, how do you?
Plus there are a whole bunch of issues worthy of some discussion/debate right now... what's with all the so-called "mommy wars" going on in the media right now (did you see the Globe Breastfeeding-Formula debate yesterday? (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/family-and-relationships/why-arent-more-women-breastfeeding/article1636178/). It got more space than the BP Oil spill. What about the debate about taking your baby out to nice restaurants? I just spend half an hour arguing with another mom who said restaurants should be allowed to ban kids from eating at their restaurant. Really? Am I doomed to only eat at Chucky Cheese until Archer is an adult? Does Chucky Cheese even exist in downtown Toronto?? Or anywhere for that matter??
It's all too much and I need to vent.
In short, I'm back, baby.
Just like work, parenting is a job and you need to set priorities - your house won't always be as tidy as you like and some nights you need to pack it in by 9 p.m. just to survive. Try to limit takeout to twice a week (it's all about meal planning but even that doesn't always work) as to fancy restos, if your kid is well-behaved, i feel it's ok to take 'em out during non-busy times, esp if they are as cute as Archer ;-)
ReplyDeletemy two cents...
Hi! My name is Jen Kennedy, and my father in law Bill Kennedy (works at Hobbs) told me about your blog before my son Liam was born 9 months ago. I read and loved your blog for months and was sooooooo sad when you stopped at 6 months :( Every once in a while I check back, preparing myself to be disappointed that there's nothing new, and so I was so excited when I saw that you're back!!! Thanks! Your topics are always so timely to what I am going through, and I love your sense of humor. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jen! So sweet. Hope you and Liam are doing well.