And truth be told, I'm not optimistic. I've been here before. There was this really nice stretch between 4 months and 6 month and then again around 1 for a couple months when he also slept through the night... but then he'd go back to waking up. And no matter how much I wanna be one of those "cry it out" people, I am decidedly not. I am a big wimp, easily manipulated by cuteness.
Anyway, I digress. So new moms don't sleep. You know that. What you may not know is that even before your baby comes, you stop sleeping through the night. By about the 8 month mark you are just too heavy, you need to pee like every hour, you are just not sleeping. People say it's nature getting you ready for what's to come.
Nature, I've been there already. I know what's coming. I'm ready for it. Just let me sleep!!
Desperate times call for desperate measures. And people I'm desperate. So desperate that today I found myself browsing the La-Z-Boy website. I'm pretty sure I could sleep in a La-Z-Boy recliner. I mean, consider it. Lying on your back, on a bed is impossible (and actually dangerous I've heard). And if you sleep on your side, you have to pretty much switch sides every 1/2 hour - an act you take for granted until you have gained 50 lbs smack in the middle of your centre of gravity (and of course, that's the *only place I've gained weight...ermmm...yeah). I actually got stuck the other night in my period of transitioning from side to side and had to call out to my husband to push me over.
Seriously, pregnancy at this stage is *so overrated.
So, back to the La-Z-Boy. People, do you realize that in addition to reclining, a lot of the chairs have build in heaters and massage options?? That pretty much sounds like heaven to me right now. And probably will too when I'm nursing like 8 hours a day. It's so appealing to me that I'm trying really really hard to see an ironic coolness to the design of the La-Z-Boy. I mean really, is the above model that awful? Could you like pair it with some sort of cool Weinrib rug and make it work?

Only problem is that the above model doesn't have a massage or heater option. Deal-breaker.
This one does, though:

People, are you with me? I can make this work right?!?
Right. Hrmph. I totally hate you guys.