The debut of the new season of Mad Men has, well, got me thinking about drinking (btw, of course, I actually didn't see the premiere of Mad Men, it having started at 10pm, an hour I haven't seen since well before the little dude was born). Don't tell me what happened!
One would think that it might be a little easier now that Archer's baby days are quickly becoming a thing of the past, for me to get out from time to time, as a "grown-up" (a term, btw, you only start using post-baby), to have a cocktail or two, with my hubby or girlfriends. One would assume that now that Archer is a toddler, we've got our schedule down pat, we aren't as exhausted and as such, socializing would be back on.
One, I'm here to personally tell you, would be wrong in said assumptions.
Truth be told, I'm finding it quite a bit harder these days getting out. In addition to being a whole new level of exhausted now that I'm back at work, Archer is extra needy at bedtime and the whole process of bath, story, bedtime, which used to take about a half hour is taking well over an hour. Indeed, last night, after a fun filled day in which Archer napped oh, a whole, 1/2 hour in between park, swimming, rocking out at a Kensington Market street fest, one would think Archer would easily and happily fall asleep.
One, again, would be totally wrong.
Cut to Archer, at about 8:30pm last night, post-bath, post-Grumpy Bird book, standing - nay bouncing up and down - in his crib, while making raspberry sounds and looking at me while I sit there staring at him, trying to look unimpressed but really trying hard not to laugh out loud, but also wondering where it all went wrong.
I have been told, by those in the know (read: my mom) that this is another temporary stage and one day, I will be able to from time to time get out and enjoy a little bit of time away from little dude (not that I want to...ok, sometimes I do... don't judge me!) but until then, the hubby and I have come up with a compromise.
Drinking with our baby.
Ok, I'm totally exaggerating for effect. Truth be told, at most, all I can drink is one glass of wine these days - if at all. Often I am quite content, sipping on a Shirley Temple or Iced Coffee. Really it's just about getting out. And I encourage you to do the same (getting out that is, not drinking with your baby).
We have a pretty regular habit of dropping by our favourite local spot - Fat Cat Wine Bar - where the owner Matthew, has managed to be both welcoming to children (if you come Monday or Tuesday he'll show your baby live lobsters which is tons of laughs....ermm...before they become dinner - in future, you could use this a life lesson sorta thing) but sophisticated enough for you and your partner to feel like you're not totally giving up on life.
We go about 6pm when we get home from work, sit in some big chairs set up apart from the tables so we don't take real full on meal paying tables away from him (one of the chairs even has a pic of the Very Hungry Caterpillar as Archer is showing you above) and we're outta there by 6:30 to get back home in time for The Backyardigans and the bathtime bedtime ritual that will last far too long but really which makes us far too happy to ever have it any other way.
Got a good spot in your neighborhood? Let us know.
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