So tonight instead at attending this uber cool digital media conference that I had planned to go to for like weeks and was really looking forward to, right now I am watching "So You Think You Can Dance" while eating a President's Choice marshmallow chocolate swirl sugar ice cream cone (part of the PC Ice Cream Cone Shop line which is literally going to be the death of me - damn you President of President's Choice and your ridiculously tasty products...damn you).
But the ice cream cone is well deserved I think because I just spent an hour rocking Archer to sleep.
Remember in my first post after my little hiatus when I implied that Archer is sleeping well post-sleep doula-ing? I totally lied. Well, not totally. We are a *long way from where we were 6 months ago but a little thing I learned from another wise parent is that when asked questions like "Is your baby sleeping though the night?", whatever your answer is, "yes" or "no", always then add on "for now". Because, dude, these babies are totally mixing it up on us. They like to keep us guessing.
So my little man who was perfect in the sleeping department as recently as a month ago, hasn't really had a good night since we returned from a short and lovely cottage trip. Maybe it was the slight change in our much too perfect bedtime routine, maybe it was the fact that new teeth started cutting around this time, maybe it's just because he like totally wants to be with us 24-7, but whatever, the whole sleep thing is a little off. This weekend we're going to do our 3-day sleep training plan again to see if gets us back on track (and that'll be fun, lemme tell you... a total barrel of monkeys) but this week, since he appears to be in particular teething discomfort, we're totally indulging him.
Before I had Archer, not going to a conference like the aforementioned conference would have caused me some level of stress. Would I miss something important in my career learnings? Would I lose a valuable networking opportunity? Would this cause me to miss something critical to my career path that would eventually lead me to world domination??
So does the fact that I'm *totally ok with not going to this conference mean that I'm giving up on my career aspirations? Or that I'm accepting the fact that only non-moms get to be a part of critical business evolution?
Nah. I'm just taking the night off from all of this, y'all, to take care of the little dude - is it more important than all of that career-business evolution stuff? Hell ya. But does that make me better (in the moral superiority department) than non-parents or does it mean I'm letting the "boys" win? No way. I'll be back at it at the office tomorrow and there will be other conferences and networking opportunities that I will go to. And maybe, when I run the universe (or at least a whole department), I might be a little more aware of the impact of scheduling conferences in the evening or on weekends or question whether travel is really necessary for my employee peeps in a world of teleconferencing and Skype. Isn't that really what feminism is all about? Changing models entirely?
Anyway, enough of this. Back to SYTYCD.
For now.
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