If you followed this blog while I was on mat leave then you'll know that I practically became a mini-Martha Stewart.
Ok, that's a total lie.
The truth is, as you probably figured out, that my mom was the true mini-Martha. But with like cooler clothes and a way better sense of humour (do you ever notice how Martha like pretends to have a sense of humour but really totally doesn't - it's not like she's laughing with us, it's like she's laughing at us).
Anyway, so my mom would fill my boots with meal plans and recipes, keeping in mind the fact that I was often a walking zombie and that my culinary skills were...ermm... limited. But that gravy train (ha!) couldn't go on forever and I had to branch out on my own. And for a while, I was doing pretty good.
But then work happened. And everything pretty much fell apart. Oh yeah, I tried to plan but it's hard y'all when you both come home around 6ish and Archer's looking extra cute and the weather has been super nice so you want to go to the park and just like hang. Who wants to cook?
And that's where Victoria comes in. Victoria Fodor owns a brilliant local food delivery service called Victoria's Kitchen. www.victoriaskitchen.ca A pretty awesome downtown mama herself, Victoria cooks up homemade meals with healthy ingredients and delivers them to your door. The price is pretty right on too. There's barely a meal for 2 over $16 and usually they're more around the $10. In short, way more affordable and healthy than your standard take-out fare.
Although Victoria delivers to most of Toronto, I'm starting to notice other services like this pop-up here and there. If you have one in your area, let us all know!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up on my daughter of mini-Martha aspirations. And in the next couple weeks, we are going to get this meal planning, food thing figured out. I've signed up for menu planning emails, I'm scouring old cookbooks, I've downloaded recipe apps (oh yeah, I'm going there...). But until then, and while the weather is nice, and Archer continues to be extra cute, I'm not stressing about it. Victoria, you're cooking tonight.
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