Everyone who knows me is now officially sick of me obsessing about H1N1... I get that. So this is my last installment on the subject and really, I'm not even going to talk about it and the fact that after 4 hour line-up #2, we finally got our shots yesterday (woo hoo! and ouch) but I am going to talk about how I killed time waiting to get our shots because it was actually kinda fun.
I ended up strolling around Parkdale around Queen and Cowan yesterday for around an hour while we waited to go line up (imagine, an actual ticketing system to get your shots - it's like rocket science or something) and if you can, and if you haven't done it recently, it's worth checking out.
The area around Queen around Cowan is still a bit dicey. I got that right away when during my walk, my only one hour walk, I counted 3 ambulances attending to various people on the street - which I guess is a good thing in a way - clearly they're being attentive to people in need - but it kinda made me think for a second we were experiencing a Flash Forward moment (anyone besides me watching this show right now? it's the new Lost) and that maybe the world was coming to an end.
This ain't Yorkville, folks.
But that's a good thing, I think.
I started off my walk with a quick lunch at Cadillac Lounge which has like the friendliest staff ever and lunch specials for under $10. And fyi, if you didn't know this already on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month Cadillac Lounge hosts a mom-baby friendly lunch which is pretty awesome. I haven't been but I'm looking forward to checking it out.
For almost the rest of my hour I wandered around an awesome store called
ShopGirls. Check out their online store at
http://www.shopgirls.ca/. It's a boutique devoted to Canadian designers - whether
jewelry, clothing, art or home accessories.
They carry a line called Yoga Jeans. A weird name, really, but the concept is that these are stretchy jeans that are so comfortable, you could, well, practice yoga in them... don't do that though. If you were in my class, I would be so distracted by the fact that you were wearing jeans to yoga class that I would not be able to do my shavasanah (btw, I have no idea how to spell that word).
In any event, one of the owners of the store - a DM to be who was very cool - was telling me that in addition to being a good option for newly pregnant women, this is a great post-natal skinny jean. She recommended the high-wasted skinny jean featured in the pick above because as she explained, you can...ermm... stuff (for lack of a better term) all your extra belly flab (a lovely picture I'm drawing here, right?) into the jeans and you will pretty much look like Kate Moss.
Pretty much.
The jeans retail for around $110 and as soon as I can afford to (I just spent like $500 buying new car seat, high chair and umbrella stroller), I'm picking me up a pair - unless of course I can fit into real skinny jeans by then...
That could happen, right?
Sigh. Anyway, there are some other great stops to make if you have more time - Made You Look (a beautiful jewlery store), Blondies (a new uber hipster coffee joint), Cafe Taste (wine & cheese) even Designer Fabric Outlets is fun (for me, I'm weird like that).
And with all of this, remember that you always have the extra added bonus that should you run into trouble (say, a sudden surge of H1n1 - I said I would stop after this post), an ambulance is surely only within seconds away from helping you.
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