Am I the last person to know that there is such a thing as a designer hospital gown? And designer hospital gowns specifically made for new mamas?
Granted, I've already done a post on how to look hot (being an entirely relative term you understand) during your hospital stay and also granted, the hospital gown is the least attractive and possibly most humiliating piece of clothing ever invented, but a designer hospital gown? Really?!

People, it's a thing -- and I for one am slightly relieved that my obsessive 4am (whatever, I can't sleep anymore and have pretty much visited every other site on the internet at this point) search for a Toronto retailer who sells these has come up fruitless and I'm out of time to order one online.

I have no self-restraint. I know that.
Anyway, if you so desire, and you're not outta time like me, check out Gownies (added bonus that the name sounds like Goonies) which can be ordered online and seem to range from about $30 - $60. You can even get a matching pillow to go with your gown. Crazy? Or crazy awesome?
I won't judge you.
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