I'm not going to lie, I didn't read it.
I saw the title and asked about it and someone in the office told me it was some sort of support group for new parents whose babies weren't sleeping through the night (read: every single parent who ever lived). But I didn't read it. I mean, my baby, my new baby, was going to be one of those sleeping babies. I didn't need no stinkin' support group.
Boy, was I wrong.
Dealing with a baby at 3am can be a lonely thing. Even if your partner is in bed beside you, even if they're a supportive spouse who brings you your baby, chances are, within 5 minutes, they're dead asleep in dreamland while you're wondering if you'll ever sleep again (the answer is no, not really but anyway...).
It was during one of these times, that, all of a sudden, I remembered something about this Zombie Moms article and I wondered... so I reached for my blackberry (which never ever leaves my side, btw) and while nursing, opened Twitter and typed #zombiemoms.
And all of a sudden, I wasn't alone. There, online, were tens of other moms with me, not sleeping. Sharing their thoughts, stresses, with some of the more seasoned moms, offering support.
Some highlights from last night:
- "Kid didn't fall asleep until after 8, now totally and inexplicably awake since 2am"
- "Currently: trying desperately not to lose my mind"
- "Got a nice 4hr stretch. Nursing and hopefully he settles again tonight... At least for a couple hrs"
- "And I'm still up with the baby. She is so cuddly, which I LOVE but I'm sooooo tired. I keep nodding off." [I totally do that!]
- "Freaking out. Baby is still awake, fed, changed, burped. Yet he's still screaming at the top of his lungs. Going on 1 hr."
Like I said, there is more than just complaining (although really it's just great to know you're not the only one). Last night, there was advice given about using a sleep-sack, a discussion about favourite lullabies, and a suggestion everyone get on Skype to chat (so I guess we all could see how desperate we all look at 3am?). If incorporated a martini into the chat, it would almost be like we were all out for a night on the town...
Almost. :)