
Monday, January 9, 2012

Follow-up to the last posting...

Since I know you're all on the edge of your seats to see how my first day out alone with Isla went, let me update you...

I'm home.

...with Archer who has croup and is now maybe on the verge of pneumonia and I'm doing my best to not let Isla get sick from him. Our only trip out was to the docs to confirm all this.

Looks like Archer will be home with us all week. Bring on endless episodes of Thomas, Waybayloo and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with a healthy dose of toddler iPad playing to boot.

So this is what 2 kids is like... rrrriiight.

Deep breath...


  1. Welcome to the club Christina. It does get better, I swear. But there's a lot of what you just described for the first two years. The good thing is that now you know that each phase has an end. Hang in there. Isla is beautiful!
