But yeah, music. With my hubby in a band (make that 2), me sorta working in the music industry (requires too long an explanation and isn't that interesting), my mom being super musical, we're all secretly hoping Archer doesn't inherent what is clearly a recessive gene that belongs to my dad - the gene that makes him entirely tone deaf.
I am not exaggerating. If you know him, ask my dad to sing to you his best Happy Birthday (but for the love of God, don't tell him I told you to do this). I dare you. It's like that part just doesn't exist in his brain. Like at all. But A for effort all the time, Dad. A for effort.
I believe there is good evidence already that Archer will be musical. His eyes light up when we sing to him, he is fascinated by his dad's guitar, and I swear to God, I'm pretty sure I heard him singing one time.
What? It could happen.
So it was this and my inability to actually relax, that led us to sign up for music classes. Baby music classes. Yes, they exist and have become an important part of Archer and my week.
It's actually pretty incredible - and probably a little silly, really - when you start looking into it, how many music classes there are for babies. Not toddlers, babies. The Royal Conservatory Of Music had one that I looked at that was several hundreds of dollars and probably put your baby on the path to becoming the next Mozart. But we took a bit more of a home grown approach and went with Rainbow Music which is located in the hood and several other places in the city. I actually found them by some posters that were put up on power posts around the neighbourhood - which in hindsight, is probably not the best way to look for things to do with your baby. But they had a website so that makes them legit, right? Yeeeaaah....
Anyway, Rainbow Music has been great. The classes are short and sweet and are led by way perky people that your babies will love. And they go for 13 weeks for only $200.
It was these kind of things when I was without child that sorta made me not want to be a parent. Me, becoming a bit of a baby myself, dancing around a class, singing songs about bugs, and tickling, and the like. But y'all, I can't tell you how much I love it. I love seeing Archer so happy and engaged.
And quite frankly that's what it's all about. I don't care if he ever actually picks up a guitar, joins a band, writes a song... it's about having fun and being happy and there's nothing like music to make that happen.
For more info on Rainbow Music classes in your area check out www.rainbowmusicshop.com.
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