So after spending an annoying 4 hours in line at the Etobicoke Civic Centre waiting to get immunized, with Archer in hand (well, carrier), and a husband with a cold, me with round 2 of mastitis, on like the windiest day of 2009, we were sent home - told by the nurses that they wouldn't be immunizing us today. There were about 2000 people ahead of us - shocking considering we were in line an hour before the clinic opened.
On the upside, we met some very nice people in line - we took turns holding our respective places in line while we did coffee runs, or went inside to get warm. But no shot for us. Sigh...
And this even after we dressed Archer up in his pumpkin halloween costume. I don't know, I thought it would be a good idea - thought it would make people in line happy (which it decidedly did) and surely, no one would turn away us with Archer looking so darn cute. But apparently cuteness does not allow you to jump the cue. Double sigh...
So now, I'm back at home, recovering from our ordeal this morning, catching up on the internet goings-on while Archer plays with dad (who is working hard not to sniffle over him). And everyone's talking about all the fun stuff they're doing for halloween tonight. There are parties, costumes, even Jay-Z (!!) and we are participating in none of it. No sitter tonight and quite frankly, I'm just not feeling up to going out after the last couple days.
It could make a DM down but it's important to look on the bright side. If you have to stay in tonight with your little one, make it a fun night for you too. If you're able to give out candy at your place, do it. It's a blast. But we're in a condo so we can't even do that... instead, I'm making a yummy dinner, we're making hot chocolate and after Archer goes to sleep, we're going to watch all of the great Halloween tv on tonight. And just maybe we're going to munch on mini chocolate bars. Maybe (ok, probably).
Halloween tv is awesome - does anyone remember when they were a kid watching The Great Pumpkin? Or my favourite - the Legend of Sleepy Hollow? Totally the best. We've actually started our Halloween tv viewing early - TCM has had some awesome Halloween classics on this afternoon including Vincent Price's first film Diary of a Madman and right now there is a Martin Scorcese documentary on early horror films. Tonight TCM is playing the Spencer Tracey, Ingrid Bergman Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde and the 1979 version of Bram Stoker's Dracula is on AMC. All so awesome.
So my hubby and I aren't going out to partay. Or host a party which we have done in the past too. They'll be plenty of time for that in years to come (again, this is where seasoned parents laugh while reading). This year we happily accept the lot we've been delivered and if you're a new parent too, hopefully you'll also find a way to make this night fun - and for all the rest of you who are making it out? Party on.
CTV is airing Rocky Horror Picture Show in HD at 9!!!