It is a cold and windy day today here in the t-dot (look how cool I am down with the lingo...). Not quite winter but those beautiful days of September are definitely gone for good. So I've started bundling up the little guy for our daily walks outside... yesterday, we put on the hat, and the hoodie and even the little boots (which are ridiculously cute and totally useless)... but as we were walking down the street, and holding hands (or rather me holding his hands, him holding my thumbs) while he was in the carrier, I noticed how cold his little fingers were... and panic started to set in. What kind of mother am I? Not having mitts to cover up his little fingers... shame on me.
Well, shame on all of us apparently because apparently mitts for babies just don't exist.
Actually, let me clarify this, mitts do exist if you are either a) a baby girl; b) a baby who scratches his face off at night but never goes outside; or c) a baby with adult hands.
Today I went to Walmart, H&M and BabiesRUs and not one of these stores had winter mitts for baby boys. H&M had really cute baby girl mitts but the mitts for boys were only for 12+ months. Apparently baby boys are like tougher or something? That's the only explanation I could come up with. BabiesRUs only had scratch mitts (which sorta look like mini oven mitts). When I went to Walmart, a sales person showed me the mitts in the picture above - she said they were for babies for 0-24 months.
0-24 Months?? People this age aren't the same size at all!! Apparently in the first year of life alone we do more growing then we ever do in any year in the rest of our lives so who the heck thought it a good idea to market clothing items generally to this whole group? And people, we live in Canada! It gets really really cold here! Babies need mitts!!
As I was taking the picture above and expressing my general outrage to Archer (what? he listens...), another mom walked by and said gruffly under her breath, "Just use baby socks."
Huh, good idea.
Moms rock.
He's so adorable...and you are the supermom...
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