And I think he probably is... and I was *really looking forward to his new show. I always loved when he was on Oprah talking about the interesting little health facts and the pooh and the like (you know about Oz and the pooh, right?)...
... but dear Mehmet (that's his first name in case you didn't know), you are *stressing me right out!
In the first week of his show, like every day was a life or death lesson - he showed how to do CPR, how to save someone from choking, talked about the dangers of belly fat (which will kill you), a high BMI (which will also kill you), dealing with sugar addiction (killer), importance of fibre (eat it or die), what happens if you eat too much meat (suffer same fate as the cow you're eating)...
And today, you just went too far and today of all days... with Archer's 4 month vaccinations and all the crying and the fussing, and his constipation, which lead to more fussing, and some other stomach stuff, which kept him inconsolable for most of the day (except a weird 20 minute period when he just couldn't laugh enough...soooo cute....weird, considering everything else... but cute) along with my eternally crying cat (he's old and pretty much senile) and my blocked milk duct (which is one of the most painful things I've ever experienced... and remember I just gave birth)... I *really didn't need to turn on your show which started off talking about the dangers of parasites (read: worms) in food which, if that wasn't bad enough (it it was bad y'all), led into a segment about dust mites in our mattresses and pillows. He had a big screen showing actual dust mites feeding on human dead skin, people!! And there I'm sitting there with my crying baby, my crying cat and my really super sore boob and I'm completely stressing because, Dr. Oz, "I DON"T HAVE ANY TIME TO VACUUM MY DARN MATTRESS!!"
So, now, exhausted, little guy finally sleeping (a little closer tonight poor buddy), I'm finally off to bed committing not to watch Dr. Oz for at least week and I'm not, I repeat, not going to worry about dust mites like at all. I swear.
Before I do this, however, I am putting all meat I currently have in my fridge into the freezer. This kills all possible living parasites. Or didn't you know that?