I'm not totally digging this season's So You Think You Can Dance Canada. I don't know, I'm just not bonding with anyone this year (I know, shocking with such likable dances such as Emanuel Sandu) and I don't know about you, but I just can't get over the ugliness of the costumes - these things bug me. If it weren't for Jean Marc Genereaux, and his wacky judging comments that slay my hubby and and I, I don't think I'd be watching. His comments alone make the show. They literally make no sense but in a good way. Like, last night, in judging a disco routine, he says something like: "Montreal was in this magic triangle of disco with New York and L.A. and Daniel, you are a smooth operator and I luv it... I have to change my V.I.D (ed note: very intense dancer in case you didn't know) to V.I.D.D. - very intense disco dancer!! Give it up!!"
Nonetheless, there is no doubt that dancing is hot. Dancing With The Stars (this year I just noticed features... Tom DeLay? Wha?), a remake of Fame (although please stop playing that awful video on every show I watch these days). Dancing is back. And I'm so glad because I totally missed it in the last few years. Other than the occasional spontaneous events that uber hipsters throw in Toronto and which I'm far too old to go to, there aren't haven't been any places to go dancing.
And even if there was a good place to go dancing, I still can't stay up past like 9pm so I'd be totally missing out... and let's face it, dancing with Archer alone in the living room, just isn't the same (ok, it's actually better but stay with me for the sake of this posting).
So, how happy am I to have been given a tip about a new event called "Baby Boogie" described on the website (www.babyboogie.ca) as follows:
"Baby Boogie takes the coolest Toronto nightclubs and turns them into discos for you and your child.
Imagine the scene: Franz Ferdinand, The Cure, Coldplay, Duran Duran, Lily Allen and all your favourites playing in one afternoon. And you, sharing your love of music with your family."
Is this crazy or does this sound kinda fun? Add some Jay-Z (that's ok for babies, right?) to that playlist and I'm totally there.
The next event is on October 25th at the Century Room on King West. I'm going to try and not think about the fact that this event is on a Sunday afternoon - i.e., after a Saturday night in the Toronto club district...i.e., what happens in clubs in the club district on Saturday nights and really, how clean can they clean before Sunday afternoon anyway....eeeeuuuuww.
But good times. We should all go.
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