So, I'm not sure at all if I believe in reincarnation. It's a bit of a long shot in my mind. But Archer's starting to change my thinking on that...
When he's listening to The Beatles - whether it's daddy singing "I Will" (I'd try to sing it too but I literally cannot get to the second verse without starting to sob uncontrollably - try it, I dare you) or his Grandma singing "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", I'm convinced he's John Lennon reborn because I've never seen him so happy in whole life (which has only been 3 months long but no matter) as when we sing Beatles songs to him. But then I note that both of these songs are Paul songs and who are we kidding, John would never be happy listening to Paul songs in his next life.
And then I've also thought he is the next Dalai Lama. Ok, strictly not a reincarnation thing but aren't we (or rather, Tibetan Monks) waiting for the next one to be born? In any event, I am convinced of this by the look that Archer always gives to me when I am shopping - a sort of peaceful yet judgmental look that makes me ask in my inner-soul "Aren't I above materialism?" (the answer being decidedly no)... but then this can't be it either because I am convinced he is also a little happier when he is in the baby section of Joe Fresh.
It could happen.
So what about Buddha? And in particular, the chubby smiling Buddha? I mean, common, the resemblance as evidenced above is uncanny.
I thought I would test out this theory today by going to a post-natal Yoga class with my little buddha. Now, as I write this, I realize that in addition to already probably being insensitive to Tibetan Monks... and probably too Beatles fans, I am not *really sure if there is a connection between Yoga and Buddha. I mean, there's always a Buddha at the front of the class but that's probably not really empirical evidence of such a connection.
But for the sake of my posting, let's go with it.
Anyway, postnatal yoga. A lot of you probably did prenatal yoga. I know I did. It was really the only exercise I could do. I know you see pregnant women spinning and jogging and such but I was definitely not one of those women. Yoga, was more my speed and, in all seriousness, aside from helping relieve some of my pregnancy pains, it brought a sense of peace and actually allowed me to bond with Archer very very early on.
So given all of these benefits and the fact that I hear that a lot of other women had similar experiences, why was I the *only person at today's post-natal yoga class at the Yoga Space on Ossington?
Don't you hate when that happens as it does on occasion? You get there, you wait for others, you realize others aren't coming and then you have that awkward conversation with the instructor that goes something like "Do you wanna continue on with the class?" "I dunno, do you wanna continue on with the class?", "I don't mind, what do you wanna do?". Normally, at this point, I say nicely, "Thanks but I'll come back next week, don't worry about continuing".
But today, I wanted to continue. I needed to continue. As I've mentioned in past postings, my back, my shoulder and my left wrists are about to totally give out on me. I sit hunched over most of the day - whether it be from nursing or over Archer's crib or changing table. I hurt y'all!
And I'm so glad I did stay. Taught by a doula-by-day, yoga-instructor-errmm-also-by-day, Geraldine specializes in making all of those aches and pains go away. She showed me some moves that I'll be able to do at home when I get a breather that I know will bring me some much needed pain relief. And unlike before, this class is now a drop-in class at the Yoga Space so you don't have to commit to a full session when you know sometimes it's hard to get out. Check out http://www.yogaspace.net/ for more details. There is also a pilates class on Thursday that looks great.
So going to the yoga class was amazing but it also made me realize that Archer is sadly (or not, I'm not really sure - being Buddha probably comes with a lot of pressure - which, I guess Buddha would never feel but you know what I mean... or maybe you don't; in any event, read on)...not Buddha. Within 15 minutes of the class starting, Archer started crying... and crying... and despite sweet Geraldine picking him up and holding him for the rest of the class (thank you, by the way)... crying some more.
Poor buddy.
Anyway, please don't let this class die from poor attendance. Get there and pass this on if you can!
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