May 30th everything changed for us. Our 7lb 8oz bundle of joy, Archer, is born and we are exhausted but couldn't be happier.
It's been just over 5 weeks and we're trying to find our way like every new family is. I lived on blogs before I got pregnant and while I was pregnant. It really kept me sane on days when I thought I was going insane. So to all of the bloggers out there, thank you! You guys totally rock.
So I have no expertise to speak of but I thought I'd share my thoughts on how we're trying to figure out our parenting journey. Maybe it'll help you, maybe it won't. Selfishly I hope I can learn more from you! So please comment away.
I want this blog to be about strategies for being a happy urban mom, embracing my new role while trying to keep a sense of who I was before baby came. There are lots of parenting tips out there but few that address the daily life of new parents. What do I do day to day? What do I eat? What to wear? How to do all of this when your family income has been cut in half? Where can I meet other moms?
Some days I will do nothing because like you I will be exhausted and will just need to concentrate on staying awake to take care of Archer but when I can, I'll let you know what I'm up to, what I've heard is going on, where the bargains are, what the menu plans are - just in case it helps you plan your day.
I'll get tips from other friends, menus from my mom, style tips from my sis, financial planning guidance from my hubby and some stuff I'll just make up on my own.
So stay tuned! I'm expecting a menu plan from my mom shortly and I'll share that with you as soon as I get it!
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