Those who know me, know I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with The Hills (which includes, but is not limited to, an obsession with other Hills-related programming like The City and The Hills After Show) - a show I'm clearly too old for and which may be significantly contributing to the decline of Western civilization. But so be it. It is my vice and I'm ok with that.
So, how could this obsession, possibly have anything to do with being a new mom? Did we seriously consider calling Archer, Justin-Bobby (no)? Am I going to pitch doing a Hills Season Premiere party with your Hills-obsessed moms - with the web cam and girly drinks - so you can be on The After Show (ermm...maybe, but not now)?
Well, if you watched The Hills (and/or The City with Lauren Conrad-lite, Whitney Port), you will have noticed a style trend that in theory works *extremely well for a new mom... the elusive braid.
In episode after episode this past season, I watched with fascination and envy at the multiple ways LC sported this very practical and very pretty hair trend. There was the little front braid - as featured above, there was the full on french braid and even the casual side braid. And of course, LC wasn't the only fashionista we saw sporting the braid this past season - google recent pictures of Nicole Ritchie and Rachael Bilson and your more likely than not to see them with a braid.
All of the braid options work well for the new mom who, let's face it, doesn't have the time to do a full-on blow-out every day - much less even wash her hair at all (which is bad for your hair anyway I've convinced myself). And, if you have any length to your hair, you have realized, like I have, that your child's first toy - besides maybe your boob - is your hair - which is cute the first couple times but after the novelty has worn out... eyiyi...
Problem is, that other than the most basic of braids, I had no idea how execute the technique required to carry off this look. I tried to think back to the days when my mom - a style maven ahead of her time - put my hair in french braids. But alas, nothing.
Well, thank you LA Times Online because now I have a step-by-step guide which I now share with you - it has a slide show and everything which should in theory help make things easier... http://www.latimes.com/features/lifestyle/la-ig-fishtail-0712-pictures,0,18736.photogallery
Of course, as soon as I found this, I had to try it out... that was, not surprisingly, like 5 days ago - and I have yet to get through one of these slide shows without Archer deciding that I was spending far too much time on myself than I was on him (true 'dat little guy, true 'dat). I did manage to do a lame attempt at a side braid today but it is hardly LC-worthy.
But I remain optimistic and I'm sure that all of you out there are far more skilled at these sort of things than I so I pass the torch and the slide show over to you...
In the meantime, I'm going to start planning our Hills Premiere Party. Who's in? :)
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